When Happ Messenger app is uninstalled from your store, technically, all the app codes will be automatically removed from your theme.


However, there are 2 positions where codes are left. These unremoved codes do not affect your storefront and performance. However, if you wish to totally clear all Happy Messenger codes from your store, please follow the 2 steps below:


1) Go to Shopify Dashboard > Online Store > Themes > Actions > Edit code, select your theme.liquid or layout.liquid layout file and remove these code lines:

<!-- BEEKETINGSCRIPT CODE START -->{% include 'bk-tracking' %}<-- BEEKETINGSCRIPT CODE END --!>

edit theme in Shopify

2) Search for bk-tracking.liquid file and remove it (If you’re using other Beeketing apps, this step is not necessary). Please refer to the image below:

Edit bk-tracking.liquid

If you cannot remove these codes and need help from our engineering team, please send us an email at hi@beeketing.com to request the support. We will delete the codes for you at no expense!